Ah! My Goddess
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This Anime is called "Ah! My Goddess"


This is Beldandy, She is a goddess promiessed to protect and love a human!

This is Belldandy and her "goddess" thats protects her and gives her her powers to be a goddess, its like a gardian Angle.

This is Skuld, Belldandy and Urd, in that order from top to bottom, they are all sisters.

This is Belldandy's younger sister, Skuld. She's not yet a qualified goddess, and is having a hard time controling her powers. Witch makes her a great part of the show.

This is a close up of Belldandys goddess.

This is a drawing(no not by me..lol.. im not that good0 im no sure who drew this but im totaly in love!

Just a regular belldandy.

This is Urd, belldandy's younger, not youngest, sister. i do belive i could be wrong...lol.... i'll check into that..

This is Urd as well.

Urd Agian.

This is Skuld. she is the youngest sister of the three.

This is Peroth. She is a goddess as well, but has no relation to the other three goddess's, i do belive she runs the goddess network.

Belldandy Swimming with an orca whale

Belldandy in a traditional dress with mirrors and modern things around her.

Belldandy in Her own traditional dress and her wings

This is the original picture of the one drawing at the top of the page.

This is a pic of belldamdy when she was younger, she is with her goddess angel.

This is skuld oin her out fit she likes the most, and the hammer she uses to get rid of an rodent that lives in her world..lol.. as well as a power source for her...

This is Skuld as an angel.

This is Urd and her angle, Her angel has two sides to her, she cant comtrole them she has a calm and kind side, then there is her angry and dark side, and they both tend to rule her, they make her stubern and very selfesh.


Belldandy from one of the books.

Another image of Peroth.

Belldandy in a white dress.

Skuld, Urd, And Belldandy.

Belldandy, and the boy she is promised to, in side the ring he gave to her(i do belive they eventualy marry)


Chibi Belldandy and Tenchi..

Chibby Skuld.

Chibby Urd.

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